Thursday, May 20, 2010

Getting Started!

Well, today is the beginning of my posts and I'm not sure I should add one more thing to my plate, but I have wanted to write for a very long time so here it is. Planning and starting a farm is busy business with kids and a baby underfoot! So today I may look in on the chickens and pick my greens from the garden. We are doing school (well they are) as I sit here and type. The house is semi clean, the laundry is done, and meat is unthawing for dinner. So, it is a good time to introduce myself and the purpose for this blog to everyone who may be interested. :)

My name is Jessica and I have three children for now. My husband Bryan and I moved to a small town called Amanda near Lancaster Ohio a few years ago from a ritzy town up north called Powell. I started dreaming about having a simpler life and raising my children myself instead of shipping them to school or a babysitter everyday while I go to work to help pay for the lifestyle we were used to. God really started putting on my heart the quality of life we could have if things were simpler. Well I took the bait and started to do some research first about homeschooling. Then, farming, self sustainability and just about anything else that goes along with a simple lifestyle! I think Bryan thought I had lost my mind, considering he (with his bare hands), had just built us a 3,200 sq. ft. house in one of the the best school districts in the country! Not to mention, we had just spent I don't know how many of thousands of dollars on my education to become a registered nurse. Which I was now finally working as and making a good amount of money even part time. Needless to say eventually God started working on his heart too after many of angry moments of disbelief of my new reading material and sutle hints! :) To make a really long, incredible story short, we searched for land and was able to pay for almost 40 acres with the money we made on the sale of our house!

My wonderful, talented, and Godly husband built us, yes, another house on this beautiful land. We do plan to start a self-sustaining farm with chickens, bees, goats,( we have these) and we are currently discussing buffalo! Our goal is to grow what we need and sell the rest to make a little extra cash to help with me staying home with our children. We realize that home schooling is not for everyone, and it would have NOT been for us if I had not been called to do it. This is not a blog to convince anyone what is right for them, but a blog to display how this way of life works so perfectly for us.

One more thought for today, I believe God is directing Christians (and why he showed us) to learn to live without depending on the world for our every need. To enjoy the technology and some conveniences, but to be able to survive just fine without it, if something terrible goes down.

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